Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What type of paint should I use to paint the floor of my restaurant's kitchen floor?

I'm going to be painting my commercial kitchen floor because I cant afford to tile it. What type of paint should I use? It is a concrete floor that has already been painted along time ago and is now worn down and faded. Will the health department have a problem with this? I need advice.What type of paint should I use to paint the floor of my restaurant's kitchen floor?
Get a heavy duty porch paint and give it a couple of coats. I did this with a deli kitchen I had in Michigan and Health Department had absolutely no problem - of course regulations vary by state but I can't imagine they will have a problem if you do a good job with it. It's easy to mop and clean. You will probably have a lot of traffic in there so I got some extra paint to make sure I had the same color and then re-painted the high traffic areas every year or so.What type of paint should I use to paint the floor of my restaurant's kitchen floor?
yes...public health will have a problem if it is slippery....so you have to have a rough-ish surface %26amp; they will have a problem if there is chipped paint....so you can try an outdoor waterproof, chip proof paint if there is such a thing %26amp; just wait until you have your inspection and see what they say.
ask a local floor store about rules and regulations and what they might recommend.... its just my theory to go to the folks that know the business here's a store directory so you can stay local and get a professional opinion - specially for your state and area etc.


Hope this helps.

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