Your best bet would be to check out Benjamin Moores or SHERWIN WILLIAMS the both have a variety of floor coatings. I googled both, with good results.Can I successfully paint over asbestos floor tiles, and what paint should I use in a high traffic area?
The area you are asking about is a public space. If any of the tiles are cracked or broken they must be removed. Encapsulation is your least expensive answer. Removal of all the tiles is not required as long as they are not cracked.
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No you can't paint over it remove it if you can't afford to have someone do it then you need to do it yourself, but they definitely have to be removed.make sure you wear all proper gear face mask gloves coveralls, ect.
Without the trouble of ';remediation'; which is best, there are no laws I know of that state you ';can't'; paint over. That's especially true of the asbestos shake type shingles once used on exteriors.
The problem is that it's a FLOOR, and subject to the greatest amount of abuse in any house. PAINT will not endure no matter what anyone says. You'd be far better off, biting the bullet and install a new sub-floor over, and doing what you'd rather do in creating a new look.
Another issue to consider however will happen IF/WHEN you ever decide to sell. The asbestos issue will have to be disclosed.
Steven Wolf
removal is definitly the way to go. asbestos is harmless unless it is disturbed.';so they say';. but it could defintly cause problems down the road if you just paint over it. if you do remove it, don't do it yourself.
you need to remove them! Period! Asbestos is very hazardous to your health. Have a proffesional do it
I would have problems with painting it even will floor paint, for good adhesion you should sand and since it contains asbestos that would not be a good idea, you do not want dust from sanding. There are two ways to deal with asbestos have it removed by an asbestos abatement contractor or encapsulate, meaning cover it so it can not become airborne. Encapsulation is going to be cheaper than removal. A new sub-floor and new flooring over the top would be the least expensive.
just remove them...its not worth gettiing sick over it....not something you want to mess with you should have a pro take them out for U
I agree with Mr. Wolf and that's put down a sub floor right over the top of your existing one, you only need a 3/8s plywood to do the trick. That floor will not take public traffic if you were to just paint , I can't imagine what it would look like painted and then women with high heeled shoes walking on it, believe me that asbestos is more toxic than any paint I'd recommend. good luck
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